25 jan 2022 | Actualia

Best wishes from LDIA
vlotter kennisbeheer dan met windows Verkenner via Knowlex

Recente vacatures

0 - 3 jaar
Antwerpen Brussel
Gerechtelijk recht Ondernemingsrecht
0 - 3 jaar
3 - 7 jaar
Coördinator opleidingen
3 - 7 jaar
bestuursrecht internationaal recht Omgevingsrecht Publiek recht sociaal recht

Aankomende events

Opgelet: dit artikel werd gepubliceerd op 25/01/2022 en kan daardoor verouderde informatie bevatten.

Our lives have changed significantly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We had hoped that 2021 would be the year of ‘normalcy’.

Unfortunately, we are not there yet. We will continue to face – and deal with – challenges, but we remain positive and determined. Law firms may not have been ready for teleworking, but with the virus raging, and several lockdowns, we have had to accelerate our plans to implement a hybrid-working model. The pandemic has further exposed inequalities in areas ranging from healthcare to technology.

The current situation has also once again proven how crucial it is to put mental health high on our agenda. This fourth edition is again a must-read, with reports on inspiring events and relevant articles on the abovementioned topics. A big thank you to all amazing contributors. We look forward to a new year of meaningful actions to promote diversity, equality and inclusion within our offices and the wider legal community.

Let us walk the talk!

Warmest wishes for 2022!  

Kat Van Nuffel, Co-Chair & Chief-Editor LDIA

vlotter kennisbeheer dan met windows Verkenner via Knowlex

Recente vacatures

0 - 3 jaar
Antwerpen Brussel
Gerechtelijk recht Ondernemingsrecht
0 - 3 jaar
3 - 7 jaar
Coördinator opleidingen
3 - 7 jaar
bestuursrecht internationaal recht Omgevingsrecht Publiek recht sociaal recht

Aankomende events

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